Long time has gone since you read something by me. I'm so sorry and at the same time so thankful for your gently comments!!! The last weeks, there was so much going on - there hasn't been any christmas feeling and at the same time so much to do at work, that I couldn't sew much. But since Thursday I'm on vacation and it is going much better. Christmas is coming and there is still a little list of presents to make. But I could be happy about some presents the last week, too. On the one hand we did a Santa secret with the Cannstatter Stichlinge and I got many little beautiful presents in a nice self-sewn packaging and on the other hand I won a really beautiful needlecase by Marion. Thank you again, dear Marion! And presents, I had sewn? Ok, let's have a look.... little bags (sorry for the blurry pictures, but they are already gone - two had been a little job), another little bag with a little witch tag (and the recipient isn't a witch for sure ;) ), a reading bone - my first one with a modification (zipper and inlet to wash it), a tabble runner out of the Patchwork Spezial Weihnachten 05/2013, a christmas felt ball and two shark pencil case for my two godchildren (both by craftsy). Ok, and now the pictures. I won't tell you who will gett the presents, that will be seen under the christmas tree. Until then, I wish you wonderful four last pre-Christmas period!
Ich quilte jetzt inzwischen seit Anfang 2010, aber es gibt ja auch noch andere tolle Dinge, die man selber machen kann. Ich hoffe, ihr habt Freude an all den Sachen.
Sonntag, 21. Dezember 2014
Geschenke, Geschenke, Geschenke....
Long time has gone since you read something by me. I'm so sorry and at the same time so thankful for your gently comments!!! The last weeks, there was so much going on - there hasn't been any christmas feeling and at the same time so much to do at work, that I couldn't sew much. But since Thursday I'm on vacation and it is going much better. Christmas is coming and there is still a little list of presents to make. But I could be happy about some presents the last week, too. On the one hand we did a Santa secret with the Cannstatter Stichlinge and I got many little beautiful presents in a nice self-sewn packaging and on the other hand I won a really beautiful needlecase by Marion. Thank you again, dear Marion! And presents, I had sewn? Ok, let's have a look.... little bags (sorry for the blurry pictures, but they are already gone - two had been a little job), another little bag with a little witch tag (and the recipient isn't a witch for sure ;) ), a reading bone - my first one with a modification (zipper and inlet to wash it), a tabble runner out of the Patchwork Spezial Weihnachten 05/2013, a christmas felt ball and two shark pencil case for my two godchildren (both by craftsy). Ok, and now the pictures. I won't tell you who will gett the presents, that will be seen under the christmas tree. Until then, I wish you wonderful four last pre-Christmas period!
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Liebe Rike, da zeigst du ja tolle Sachen. Wow, am meisten beeindrucken mich die Haifischmäppchen, die haben echt was:-)
AntwortenLöschenglg Susanne
Da warst du in der Tat fleißig! UInd toll ist dein Läufer!
AntwortenLöschenGruß Marion
Liebe Rike,
AntwortenLöschenherzlichen Glückwunsch zu dem schönen Nadelmäppchen. Deine gewerkelten Geschenke gefallen mir auch alle sehr gut, besonders die Haifischmäppchen, das wäre noch was für meinen Enkelsohn da schaue ich doch gleich mal rein.
LG Uta
Liebe Rike,
AntwortenLöschendu hast echt die tollsten Sachen genäht, aber die Haifischmäppchen sind ja der absolute Clou!!! Wahnsinn, was es Tolles gibt. Da werden sich aber Zwei total freuen.
Liebe Rike,
AntwortenLöschenwer so fleißig war und so wundervolle Dinge gezaubert hat, wird sicher vom Christkind nicht vergessen werden ;-) In diesem Sinne wünsche ich dir einen gemütlichen 4. Advent, herzlichst, Martina, die sich bei dieser Gelegenheit für deine wunderschöne Danksagung bedankt
Liebe Rike,
AntwortenLöschenda warst Du in den letzen Tagen mega fleißig, tolle Sachen sind entstanden.
Mein absoluter Favorit sind Deine Haifischmäppchen, absolut stark. Waren die sehr aufwendig?